Revive Your Gym Marketing Tactics That Work – Feat. Alex Hormozi

Let's talk cash flow injection and hustling hard!

Picture this: You're a gym owner, and bank balance is running on empty. Time to switch things up. What I'd do? Pre-sell memberships, baby! Picture five to ten people locked in for a year. That's instant cash flow – talking thousands here!

Now, hold on to that cash, 'cause here's where you can go two ways. If you've got the confidence, paid ads can be your golden ticket. But let's keep it real - not everyone's got the ad wizardry on lock from the get-go.

So, what's plan B? Good ol' elbow grease with organic outreach. Join local Facebook groups – you’ve got "local cave moms", "fit moms", and whatever niche you can tap into. This isn’t about spamming, it’s about building community.

Then comes the friend requests. Cap it at 50 a day – you don’t want to be that pesky spammer getting flagged. Now, if you're doing it right, ballpark is 700 accepts from 1500 requests. That's like warm leads, folks. Right in your inbox!

Next up, hit 'em with a message. But keep it cool – you’re not a pushy salesperson, you're a friendly neighbor gym owner asking for a referral. Talk about getting in shape, great promotions, but keep it genuine.

Here comes the numbers game – around 25% might hit you back. That's conservative, but we're playing it safe. So out of those 700, you're looking at 140 conversations sparked. Now, be genuine, build that rapport, and you might get 42 calls lined up.

If your sales game is strong and you're locking in one out of three – Bam! That's around 14 new clients right there. Trust me, that's nothing to scoff at.

And the best part? If you priced it right – let's say you're selling at $2500 a pop, now you're rolling in it! You've got fuel to supercharge those paid ads later.

Here's the catch though – organic takes time. We’re talking a whole month of grinding, one to two hours of messaging daily. It ain’t glamorous, but it's effective.

However, there's that four-letter word we gloss over – work. It's the dreaded part people avoid because, well, who loves endless DMs?

That's why folks jump to paid ads like they're life rafts. But hear me out - they say they "tried Facebook" and it "didn't work". Well, no kidding! If I had a nickel for every time I heard that...

The truth? Marketing is like any craft - it needs skill. And a blind boost is like throwing a dart in the fog.

So, when you're ready to hit those paid ads, have a killer promotion ready. We're talking irresistible, split-tested offers. And yeah, I'm a fan of the F-word – free. Why? Because 'free' gets attention.

Remember, whether it's organic hustle or paid routes, it's all about strategy and a whole lot of grind. So roll up those sleeves and get ready to turn that cash trickle into a cash flood!

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