Inside the Gym Business A Quick Chat with Alex Hormozi from Gym Launch

In our journey as a business, we've experienced the ebbs and flows, the highs and the lows. The great takeaway? We are well prepared. Yes, even for a 30 or 50% downturn.

But hold on! As harsh as it may sound, these downturn periods act as an efficient filter. It's the survival of the fittest. The bottom 30%? They're likely to face the harshest brunt. It's not always cruel though. Imagine this scenario. Skinny-dipping in risky business tactics, under delivering, neglecting team and customer needs - these strategies don’t work in the long run.

Just like pruning a tree helps it grow healthier, these recessions lead to a better economy by weeding out poor performers. So be ruthless! Not just to survive but to thrive during tough periods, focus is crucial.

I mean, seriously. If you've been dabbling with multiple projects, now is the time to reassess. Is it worth splitting your energy and resources? Remember, you have to out-perform only that bottom 30% - don't make their mistake. Instead, be the competitor no one wants to face. The one who clocks in on time, delivers consistently and does the boring work without complaint.

But, what does that all mean for you? In business, the one who prioritizes, wins. Make emailing your list, focusing on your promotion, and offering semi-private sessions your priority. Don't be the guy who's not cooking the meals or not going to the gym because it's tough or time-consuming. Your best approach directly mirrors what you advise your customers.

Now let’s talk about the free offer structure. Every business is faced with the same choice: free vs non-free. But remember, the value you provide remains the same. Don’t worry about the number on the price tag. A free offer strategically reduces the cost per lead, bringing customers through the door. But don’t expect a free pass; successful challenges require commitment, hard work, and most importantly, skin in the game.

The conclusion? Simple. As a business owner, your survival and growth hinge not on being a part of the cutthroat competition, but being the competition no one dare cross. So, keep learning, keep adapting, and above all, keep your focus laser-sharp. No matter the downturns, it's the surest way to ensure that you're the one standing at the end of the day.

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